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Surrogacy Research by Elly Teman and Zsuzsa Berend

Co-authored Comparative Surrogacy Research by Teman and Berend

Click on link above for abstracts and links to full text


  • Teman, Elly, & Berend, Zsuzsa. 2022. Individual responsibility or trust in the state: A comparison of surrogates' legal consciousness. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63(5-6), 265-284.
  • Teman, Elly, and Zsuzsa Berend. 2021. "Surrogacy as a family project: How surrogates articulate familial identity and belonging." Journal of Family Issues 42 (6): 1143-1165.
  • Teman, Elly and Zsuzsa Berend, 2020. Surrogate Non-Motherhood: Israeli and US surrogates speak about kinship and parenthood, in: Zeynep B. Gürtin, Charlotte Faircloth (eds.), Conceiving Contemporary Parenthood:Imagining, Achieving and Accounting for Parenthood in New Family Forms, London: Routledge.
  • Teman, Elly, and Zsuzsa Berend. 2021. "Unsustainable Surrogacy Practices: What We Can Learn from a Comparative Assessment." Sustainable Birth in Disruptive Times, pages 115-127.


Zsuzsa Berend's Surrogacy Research

Click on link above for abstracts and links to full text


  • Berend, Zsuzsa. "The romance of surrogacy." Sociological forum. Vol. 27. No. 4. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2012.
  • Berend, Zsuzsa. "Surrogate losses: understandings of pregnancy loss and assisted reproduction among surrogate mothers." Medical anthropology quarterly 24.2 (2010): 240-262.
  • Berend, Zsuzsa. "The social context for surrogates' motivations and satisfaction." Reproductive BioMedicine Online 29.4 (2014): 399-401.
  • Berend, Zsuzsa. ""We Are All Carrying Someone Else's Child!": Relatedness and Relationships in Third‐Party Reproduction." American Anthropologist 118.1 (2016): 24-36.
  • Berend, Zsuzsa. "'Surrogates All Make that Choice to Help': Surrogacy in the Neoliberal Reproductive Market." Italian Sociological Review 10.3 (2020): 537A-559.
  • Berend, Zsuzsa. "Surrogate losses: failed conception and pregnancy loss among american surrogate mothers." Understanding Reproductive Loss. Routledge, 2016. 93-104.
  • Berend, Zsuzsa, and Corinna Sabrina Guerzoni. "Reshaping relatedness? The case of US surrogacy." Antropologia 6.2 NS (2019): 83-100.
  • Berend, Zsuzsa. "Two families helping each other: Children's books and surrogates' discussions about surrogacy." Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online 7 (2018): 80.
  • Berend, Z. and Guerzoni, C. (2019) "US surrogacy: An interview with Zsuzsa Berend", Archivio Anuac, 8(2), pp. 255-263.
  • Berend, Zsuzsa. 2018.  Ethnographic Fieldwork Online: Studying a Surrogacy Support Forum. Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2.



Elly Teman's Surrogacy Research

Click on link above for abstracts and links to full text

  • Teman, Elly (2021). "I am the oven that bakes the bread for hungry people": Israeli surrogate mothers construct parenthood. In Timor, Tsafi (ed.), Parenthood in Israel. Mofet Publishing. [Hebrew].
  • Teman, Elly. (2019). The power of the single story in surrogacy. Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health & Illness, 38(3), 282-294.
  • Ivry, Tsipy & Teman, Elly (2019). Paid and unpaid gestational labor: Pregnancy and surrogacy in anthropological studies of reproduction. In Bamford, Sandra (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Kinship (Pp. 580-602). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Teman, Elly (2018), "A case for restrictive regulation of surrogacy? An Indo-Israeli comparison of ethnographic studies." In Sayani Mitra, Silke Schiktanz, Tulsi Patel (Eds.), Cross-cultural comparisons on surrogacy and egg donation: Interdisciplinary perspectives from India, Germany and Israel (Pp. 57-81). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ivry, Tsipy & Teman, Elly.(2018). "Pregnant metaphors and surrogate meanings: bringing the ethnography of pregnancy and surrogacy into conversation in Israel and beyond." Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 32(2), 254-271.
  • Teman, Elly (2016). "Local surrogacy in a global circuit: The embodied intimacies of Israeli surrogacy arrangements." In Rozée Gomez Virginie & Unisa Sayeed (Eds.), Assisted reproductive technologies in the global south and north: Issues, challenges and the future (Pp. 175-187).
  • Teman, Elly (2016). "Surrogacy in Israel: State-controlled surrogacy as a mechanism of symbolic control." In Sills, Eric Scott (Ed.), Handbook of gestational surrogacy: International clinical practice & policy issues (Pp. 165-173). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Teman, Elly (2016). Birthing bodies, pregnant selves: Gestational surrogates, intended mothers and distributed maternity. In . L. Wynn & Angel M. Foster (Eds.), Abortion pills, test tube babies, and sex toys: Emerging sexual and reproductive technologies in the Middle East and North Africa (Pp. 112-121). Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
  • Teman, Elly (2011). An ethnographic approach to surrogacy policy. The Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy, 8(5), 934-940.
  • Teman, Elly (2010). My Bun, Her Oven. Anthropology Now, 2(2), 33-41.
  • Teman, Elly (2010). The last outpost of the nuclear family: A cultural critique of Israeli surrogacy policy. In D. Birenbaum-Carmeli & Y. Carmeli (Eds.), Kin, gene, community: Reproductive technologies among Jewish Israelis (Pp. 107-122). Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Teman, Elly (2009). Embodying surrogate motherhood: pregnancy as a dyadic body project. Body & Society, 15(3), 47-57.
  • Teman, Elly (2008). The social construction of surrogacy research: an anthropological critique of the psychosocial scholarship on surrogate motherhood. Social Science & Medicine 67(7), 1104-1112.
  • Teman, Elly (2006). Bonding with the field: On researching surrogate motherhood arrangements in Israel. In A.M. Gardner & D.M. Hoffman (Eds.) Dispatches from the field: Neophite ethnographers in a changing world (Pp. 79-194). Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press.
  • Teman, Elly (2003). The medicalization of 'nature' in the artificial body: surrogate motherhood in Israel. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 17(1), 78-98.
  • Teman, Elly (2003). Knowing the surrogate body in Israel. In R. Cook & S. D. Schlater (Eds.), Surrogate motherhood: International perspectives (Pp. 261-279). London: Hart Press.
  • Teman, Elly (2001). Technological fragmentation and women's empowerment: surrogate motherhood in Israel. Women's Studies Quarterly, 31 (3&4), 11-34.